Welcome to Divorce Law you can trust.

Galloway Law &


❖ 33 years experience

❖ client support throughout

❖ prompt, responsive, attention

Divorce process to make your life better.

Your divorce attorney becomes your professional partner, your TEAMMATE.

From property division to parenting time, your divorce attorney plays a crucial role in helping you resolve disputes and move on to your better life.

At Galloway Law & Consulting, our goal is to provide expert legal guidance plus the necessary explanation and support to clients facing complex court processes on top of the complexities of interpersonal dynamics. You will find strength, compassion and integrity with us.

Our Services

  • Coaching & Consultation

    Receive professional legal advice and other critical guidance specific to your case, dynamics, and priorities.

  • Divorce

    Counsel to guide you through life’s important and sometimes emotional decisions.

  • Guardian ad Litem

    Now accepting cases as a Massachusetts Category F Guardian ad Litem investigator on contested custody and parenting time cases.


Divorce and Family law practice requires a delicate balance of empathy, understanding, and legal knowledge to navigate the complexities of familial relationships.

At Galloway Law & Consulting, we approach each case with a commitment to educating our clients about court process, emotional dynamics, and range of outcomes, to ensure the wisest course of action and the best possible outcome.

With 33 years of family law practice, you can trust that your case will be handled with care and experience.

  • Attorney Galloway is a passionate lawyer who not only displays professionalism, she individualizes the needs of her clients; she is reliable, efficient, transparent, and an exceptional knowledgeable lawyer.


  • Tracy was confident in court and handled dealing with an unscrupulous lawyer on the other side in a way that amazed and inspired me. She was calming and compassionate towards me when I needed it, yet was fierce in court when it was called for.


  • Her focus and clear-headedness, as well as her empathy, meant I could cope with what could have been distracting tasks, hear what I may not have wanted to hear, and remain diligent and unwavering to meet as many of my goals for my family as possible.


  • She was very professional and knowledgeable which with a sensitive issue like child custody, helped us get through this difficult time.


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Feel empowered in your case with professional, legal guidance that has your family’s best interest at heart.