Category F

“Attorney Galloway was an excellent choice for our family in choosing a child custody attorney. She was very professional and knowledgeable which with a sensitive issue like child custody, helped us get through this difficult time. ”
— CK & BK
In cases involving custody and parenting time with minor children, Attorney Galloway is qualified to accept appointments as a Category F Guardian ad Litem (“GAL”), which involves a detailed investigation into the facts of a case, and a written report to the Court of such facts.
A Category F GAL does not engage in any clinically-based evaluation, or provide expert opinions (i.e., medical, psychiatric, or psychological evaluation, as may be included by Category E GALs), but may or may not be asked (by agreement of the parties, or by the Court) to make “such recommendations as deemed appropriate and in the best interests of the child(ren)…” (see Sample Appointment of Guardian ad Litem, provided under the Self-Help Tab.)
Guardian ad Litem, Massachusetts, Category F
While hiring or agreeing on the appointment of a GAL is an expensive proposition, the value of having parties, the children, and collaterals all interviewed, and having that data in one report, can be very cost-effective compared to an ongoing battle with attorneys and the cost of a trial. While it would be expensive and distressing to subpoena witnesses to a trial to testify, a GAL investigation enables parties and witnesses to speak more informally and flexibly; all parties, counsel, and the Court can benefit from that input in helping parties to try to resolve issues and settle a case, rather than experiencing the ongoing expensestress of litigation.
GALs are required to follow carefully outlined protocols (See Standing Order 2-28), and their reports are impounded by the Court, thus ensuring the greatest degree of professionalism and privacy.